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What the Hell Do You Teach in Barcelona?

In response to those Enquiring minds I’ve written the following;
I’m not quite sure how to answer an inquiry concerning my design background and MBA teaching, but I will try by explaining a bit about my classes.

I have been teaching a class called Design Management in Barcelona for about the last four years. It is essentially a combination of business and art. So, why art? Research shows that the more creative we are, the more innovative we become. It is this factor or "out of the box" thinking that allows us to be effective in our problem solving. The ability to problem solve effectively catapults a company to leading edge technology, product design and management, and leading behavioral organization. This is all a very fancy way of saying, innovation facilitates profitability!

These classes spawned another series of classes which answer the question: Ok, Innovation and Creativity are wonderful ideas for business, but how do you teach for creativity or innovation?¿

Hence my new series of classes was born and surprisingly enough called; Creativity & Innovation. It is within this series of classes that I use my artistic thinking for developing exercises that will lead professionals to take a different look at problem solving in order to develop new, efficient, effective and yes, profitable ways of doing business.

And, this class has been a joy to teach! It has been a fantastic experience to watch students develop that "Ah ha moment" when the concepts and principles of my teachings become realized. 

So in a nut shell that is basically what my work is about here in Barna. There has been an increase in corporate demand for this type of class or workshop as global competition from countries like India, Turkey, Chile, and of course China has increased also.

If you have any questions about my work, let me know and I will do my best to help you resolve them. I am also available by Skype.

Hope all is well in your part of the world, still lovin´ BCN after all these years!

Un abrazo fuerte,